Onomatopoesie Tage Juni 2017 Position #3 @[STIEGENHAUSMUSIK]
Samstag, 17. Juni 2017 15:00 bis 19:00
* Antoine Elias (FRANCE)
solo piano
* Antti Virtaranta (FINLAND)
double bass solo
* Teresa Riemann (BERLIN)
solo piano & voice
* Helferboy (INNSBRUCK)
* Kevin Angboly (FRANCE)
drumperformance |
* Antoine Elias (FRANCE)
solo piano
* Antti Virtaranta (FINLAND)
double bass solo
Antti Virtaranta, a Swedish born Finn, is a bassist and composer. He studied and performed Jazz in Philadelphia, USA. He has performed everywhere from festivals to small coffee houses and in different styles from Free Improvisation to very Tradition Swing Jazz. He currently resides in Berlin and performs regularly with different projects throughout Berlin. He has performed with Elliott Levin, Tristan Honsinger, Harri Sjöström, to name a few. Currently he is focusing on his solo electronic and bass music that translates to the small group settings that he is involved in.
* Teresa Riemann (BERLIN)
solo piano & voice
Teresa Riemann is a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, performance-artist & writer. Apart from playing drums, guitar and cello, she is composing pieces for piano & voice. Being attracted by every attempt to break existing laws about „how to do this right“ this curious mind always seeks the full, uncensored expression, seeks to be free in every second and challenge the consciousness of the audience instead of reproducing patterns that have been acknowledged and lost a lot of their primary energy. Time can never be poured into concrete, nor life. Her music charmingly has been described as „almost disturbing“.
* Helferboy (INNSBRUCK)
Helferboy ist eine labile Koalition dreier Innsbrucker Hansdampfs in allen Gassen. Eugen Cech jun. und Marco Opoku bekannt durch Bands wie „Stichprobe“ und „Turnout“ rappen auf dem Blast-Beat von DJ Ananas a.k.a. Ekehardt Rainalter (monomono, trauriges tropenorchester). Gemeinsam haben die boys noch die Neogrunge-Band „das Team“ und das furchterregende Black-Poetry-Duo Helfersyndrom. Es gab schon immer viel zu tun für diese Helden und hinterher sagt man dann: sie wollten ja nur helfen!
* Kevin Angboly (FRANCE)
10.000 Volt